Maryland Car Accident Settlement Payouts

On this page, our Maryland car accident lawyers will explain what the average settlement payout is in an auto accident injury case. We will discuss what factor impact the value of an accident case and we will also look at recent verdicts and settlements in actual cases.

How Are Accident Cases Valued for Settlement

Before we delve into the law, victims often want to discuss how their claims are valued for settlement, as they are interested in understanding the worth of their car accident claims. This process involves assessing the extent of injuries, property damage, and other losses suffered by the victims. Several key factors are considered when determining the value of a claim, including:

Medical expenses: The costs associated with medical treatment, rehabilitation, and any ongoing care required due to the accident.
Lost wages: The income lost as a result of being unable to work due to injuries sustained in the accident.
Pain and suffering: Compensation for the physical pain, emotional distress, and reduced quality of life experienced by the victim.
Property damage: The cost of repairing or replacing damaged vehicles or other property.
Future losses: Any anticipated future medical expenses, lost wages, or reduced earning capacity caused by the accident.

Insurance adjusters and attorneys often use various methods to calculate the value of these damages. For example, they may apply a multiplier to the total economic damages (medical expenses and lost wages) to account for pain and suffering. Additionally, in Maryland, the “collateral source rule” prevents the reduction of damages based on payments received from other sources, such as health insurance.

Most Accident Cases End in Settlement

The vast majority of car accident cases settle. Most car accident cases are filed against the insurance company of the negligent driver.

These companies handle a lot of claims.  They do not have the resources to try even 10% of the accident claims that are brought against them. So the companies and their lawyers are looking to get these cases resolved.

Plaintiffs and their lawyers are interested in settling them as well because it places some certainty in an uncertain system and because all things being equal, people want their money sooner rather than later. But you have to be able to use this fact to your advantage to get more money from the insurance company.

Factors that Impact Settlement Value

There are are a number of different factors and variables that drive the value of auto accident settlement payouts in Maryland.

Severity of the Injury

The first and most significant factor is the type and severity of the plaintiff’s injuries. More serious injuries like fractures that have a permanent impact or require extensive medical treatment will have a higher value compared to sprains and soft-tissue shoulder damage. The extent or severity of the fracture or ligament tear will also drive the value up or down.

Age of the Plaintiff

The second factor is the age of the plaintiff. Car accident injuries in a younger plaintiff will have a higher value compared to an older plaintiff. This is partly because young people are less likely to have preexisting conditions.

Medical History

The third factor is whether the plaintiff has any preexisting medical conditions. If you have an older plaintiff with a long history of back issues, juries and insurance adjusters are going to devalue their back injury claims in an auto accident case.


In Maryland, what venue (or county) your auto accident case is filed in will make a big impact on settlement value. There are certain venues in Maryland, specifically Baltimore City and Prince George’s County, where juries are much more likely to award a higher settlement than those in a more rural area.

Insurance Policy Limits

All auto accident insurance policies have maximum coverage limits. For personal auto insurance policies, the limits are usually around $100,000 or $200,000. Commercial auto and truck policies have much higher limits.

For cases involving very serious injuries, the coverage limits of the applicable insurance policies can limit the settlement value of the case.

Taking Your Case to Court

Even though most cases settle, there is always a chance your case will have to go to trial. Winning a car accident case means proving four different things:

  1.        That the defendant had a duty to operate her vehicle as the “ordinary, reasonable, prudent person” would in similar circumstances.
  2.        The defendant breached that duty.
  3.        There was actual injury or loss.
  4.        The injuries suffered were the proximate cause of their negligence.

These are the elements of negligence, which is what nearly every car accident claim is based upon. Sometimes car accidents can result in wrongful death lawsuits, but even in those instances the underlying cause of action is still negligence.

Types of Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents

Given the unique set of factors involved in each car accident, all manner of injuries can be sustained. Soft tissue damage is a general term which describes injuries to the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the body. Soft tissue damage is found in nearly every car accident, and is actionable by itself.

Car accidents can also produce broken ankles and legs as a result of the lower extremities hitting the pedals with excessive force. Of course, broken glass produces cuts that can result in permanent scarring and disfigurement. Unfortunately, the possibility of fatal injury is always there when it comes to car accidents as well. Every car accident is different, meaning every injury sustained in a car accident is different as well.

Car Accident Settlements and Verdicts

Below are sample settlements and verdicts in car accident case in Maryland.  These are mostly Miller & Zois cases but we threw in a few extra to give you a larger feel.

Let’s talk for a second about what these example settlements and verdict will not do for you.  These are not an exact predictor of how a jury will award even if you case seemingly identical. This is particularly so of verdicts.  Five different juries may give five very different awards. Settlements are a little better predictor because they have settlements tend so soften some out some of the highs and the lows.

  • 2024, Maryland: $90,000 Verdict: The plaintiff, a female in her 30s, was a pedestrian struck while crossing the street. She suffered a torn left rotator cuff and bicep tendons and claimed that the injury aggravated a preexisting anxiety disorder. A jury in Baltimore County awarded $90,000.
  • 2023, Maryland: $27,850 Verdict: The plaintiff was struck from the side when the defendant ran a stop sign. The plaintiff suffered several broken bones in his right hand and fingers.
  • 2022, Maryland: $100,000 Settlement: The plaintiff, an elderly woman, suffered multiple rib fractures and a lacerated spleen when she was involving in an intersection accident.
  • 2020, Maryland: $16,000 Settlement: This case involved a side impact collision in Baltimore City at Edmondson Ave and Swan Ave. Plaintiff suffered a right knee contusion only and the case settled for just $16,000,
  • 2015, Maryland: $700,000 Settlement:   In Carroll County, a commercial trucking vehicle ran a flashing red light and struck an elderly couple. Plaintiffs were transported by air and admitted to the hospital. Due to the accident, the couple suffered rib fractures and the female endured a collapsed lung. Defense counsel contended that both claims were limited in value, due to Plaintiffs completing medical treatment within a five week span. As a result of the commercial trucking vehicle conducting business in Baltimore City, Plaintiffs filed suit in the Baltimore City jurisdiction. Although the Baltimore City venue contributed to the significant settlement amount; other factual issues listed below were considered: Both Plaintiffs were in their 90’s and been married for approximately 70 years. The female Plaintiff was not only blind, but frightened by the collision and being separated from her husband while being transported in the helicopter. The male Plaintiff was hard of hearing and lost his hearing aids in the collision; therefore, he could not understand what was being said during transportation to the hospital. Prior to the accident, both Plaintiffs were very active, despite their age and disabilities. Although, both Plaintiff’s recovered from their significant injuries; their mobility and daily activities were permanently limited due to ongoing pain stemming from their injuries. Miller & Zois handled this case.
  • Maryland: $390,000 Settlement:  In Harford County, a 5 car automobile accident occurred on an interstate highway. As a result of the collision, Plaintiff, a 53 year old accountant, was knocked unconscious and suffered a closed head injury, an internal carotid artery aneurism, a vertebral artery dissection, rib fractures, a celiac artery injury and blunt abdominal trauma.  In addition, Plaintiff suffered from post-traumatic amnesia; therefore, he could not testify as to what actually occurred during the collision. Plaintiff hired our firm, Miller & Zois for legal representation because he thought maybe the other parties involved would sue him for causing the collision.  The insurance companies contested liability, due to the sequence in which the vehicles struck each other. To make the matters worse, the police report even had the vehicles listed in the wrong sequential order.  Our firm investigated the collision through numerous depositions and accident reconstructions and found that Plaintiff was not only rear ended by a commercial vehicle, but also cut-off by another vehicle, who changed lanes in front of our client’s automobile at the same time he was rear-ended. Both the commercial vehicle’s insurance company and the lane changing vehicle’s insurance company contributed to our client’s settlement.  Miller & Zois handled this case.
  • 2015, Maryland: $190,000 Settlement: Plaintiff was a 42 year old female who was rear ended in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Her vehicle sustained mild damage. Following the collision, she complained of injuries to her neck and back. She sought treatment from an orthopedist and a neurologist. A neck MRI revealed a significant disc herniation at C6-C7 with nerve impingement. After two years of conservative treatment, she underwent a cervical fusion with minor residual pain. Her related medical bills totaled roughly $75,000.00. Prior to filing suit, the insurance company did not offer any money. After suit was filed, the case resolved in mediation for $190,000.00.  Miller & Zois handled this case.
  • 2015, Maryland: $101,097 Verdict: When driving through an intersection, a car suddenly veers out in front of a woman driving her car. A broadside collision ensues. After the accident, the woman complains of pain in various parts of her body. When she seeks treatment, it is revealed that she has a fractured pelvis and dental injuries. She files suit against the other driver, alleging that they failed to yield the right-of-way to her in the intersection and failed to maintain a proper lookout. The defendant admits liability, but denies the extent of the plaintiff’s injuries, especially her dental injuries. After the accident, the plaintiff requires dental surgery, prompting the defendant to claim that the surgery was not brought on by the accident. The jury returns an award for $101,097, of which around $30,000 is comprised of lost wages and previous medical expenses.
  • 2015, Maryland: $32,463 Verdict: A 22 year-old woman is driving her car in the city of Baltimore, when the defendant strikes her vehicle. The two driver did not dispute the details and both describe the impact as “significant.” When the woman elects to sue the defendant, there is no dispute over the facts, only a dispute over whether the injuries were caused by the accident. Specifically, the plaintiff alleges that she suffered from serious back and neck injuries. Although she sought treatment for them, she claims that they are permanent and will require attention for the rest of her life. The plaintiff seeks a bench trial, and a judge awards her $32,463.

Contact Our Maryland Accident Lawyers

If you have been injured in an auto accident, call our Maryland accident lawyers today at 800-553-8082 or contact us online.

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